How to create folder on the home screen of Samsung Galaxy S6

How to Create Folder on the Home screen – Of course you have your favorite apps on your Samsung Galaxy S6. So, it is very helpful to put the apps on the home screen. Therefore, we can use the “Create Folder” function to collect your favorite apps in a folder on the home screen.

Create Folder on Galaxy S6

Here, we would like to show you how to make a folder on Samsung Galaxy S6 on the home screen. Take a look at the detail below:

You need to drag an app over another app, do the same with other apps that you want to put them into a folder.

When the two apps are on top of each other, the folder frame will appear. Now, release the app and it will open a box in which you can enter the name of the folder.

Now, you can see the folder that you’ve just created on the home screen of your Samsung Galaxy S6.

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