How to hide messages content on the lock screen of Galaxy S6

If you receive a new message or WhatsApp on the Samsung Galaxy S6 then the content of the messages is usually displayed directly on the lock screen. So, you can read what it is about without unlocking the screen. This is relative useful if you want to have an overview of the messages.

Unfortunately, this also has its lack. Every person can read the messages on the lock screen on your Galaxy S6. It is very worrying if the message is confidential.

So, if you want to hide the content of the messages on the lock screen of the Galaxy S6, you should take a look on the detail below:

From the home screen, open the Settings > Sound and Notifications > Notifications on Lock Screen.

Tap on the item and then scroll down the screen until you find “Hide Content”, tap on it.

Once you have made your choice, there will be no displayed messages on the lock screen of your Samsung Galaxy S6. And now you have successfully hidden the messages content on your lock screen of Galaxy S6.

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