Iron Man Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Limited Edition costs for $91,000 in China

What is your opinion about Iron Man Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge limited edition which costs at $91,000?

There was a person who bid $91,000 for the device and won it on the auction site In normal price, the phone is sold at $1,079, but in the auction the person got 91,000.

iron man samsung galaxy s6 edge

Iron Man Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Limited Edition

The phone is limited edition with serial number 66. That’s clear if Chinese consider the phone very special, and also the number 6 is a lucky number in China, even 66. Moreover the colors of the phone – red and gold are adored in China, because the colors represent luxury and generosity.

The phone was released in May as one part of the promotional campaign of Avengers edition. Samsung worked hard to increase their reputation in smartphone users’ eyes by using metal and glass body for the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 Edge, instead of plastic body.

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