Users find no way to solve the problem of Samsung Galaxy S6

It has been widespread known that Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 edge are the attractive device with a perfect performance, splendid capture quality, and a sophisticated Quad HD Super AMOLED display. Unfortunately, your enjoyment with this device is not supported with best battery quality.

samsung galaxy s6 battery

Many fans of Samsung had chosen the S7/edge for the battery quality. The S7 came with 3,000 mAh and the S7 edge with 3,600 mAh. Therefore it can be clearly concluded that they weren’t contented with the battery life of the early devices.Battery life of was not the one to blame for its decrease sales numbers.

It is said that the Galaxy S6 duo has the problem of overheating and it appears that the phone can’t hold long charging. Some users reported that the problem is on the software, while others said that it is on the hardware. But then, it seems that both of them can cause in it. It seems that both Android 5.1.1 Lollipop and Doze-enabled Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow couldn’t do anything to solve the issues.

Could the upcoming Android 7.0 nougat be a better idea to the issues of the devices?
Because many consumers have various attempts to lengthen the battery life of their phones yet without any satisfying results, it is then revealed that the hardware might be the cause of the problem.

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