How to Save Phone’s Battery while playing Pokemon Go

As we know that Nintendo has released a mobile game application run on iOS and Android called Pokemon Go. Some users has reported that playing the Pokemon Go game can drain their phone’s battery. Some of them are reporting up to 10% power loss in 20 minutes, and some others 10% – 20% per hour on some smartphones.

pokemon go

There is also a user, Jonathan Roomer via Twitter reports that Pokemon Go game consumed 91% of his battery in the last 24 hours.


In this post, we will try to help you on solving the problem (how to save the phone’s battery while playing Pokemon Go).

Run Pokemon Go on Power Saving Mode

Please follow these steps:

  1. Firstly, please tap on the Pokeball at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Now tap on the Settings option at the top of the screen.
  3. Then tick the box beside the Battery Saver option.
  4. Finished.

Dimming The Screen’s Brightness

Another way to maximize the battery life on your smartphone when you trying to catch ’em all on Pokemon Go game is by dimming your screen’s brightness. The Screen Brightness option usually can be found in the Settings >> Display.

Turn Off AR Function

You can also save your phone’s battery by turning off the AR (Augmented Reality) function. By doing this methode, your phone’s camera will turn off. So can’t see a Pidgey perched on your car seat, but you can claw back some battery life. To turn off the AR function, please follow these steps:

  1. Find a Pokemon.
  2. Then target the Pokemon. The AR toggle only shows up when you are targeting it.
  3. Next you will see the AR toggle in the upper right-hand side of the screen.
  4. Now slide the toggle to the left.
  5. Finished.

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