How to solve problem of error message “Not registered on network” in Samsung Galaxy S6

If you have ever experienced an error message on the display of your Samsung Galaxy S6 stating that you are not registered on the network, you may be aware that at that time you cannot perform any calls or send SMS messages.

There are several possibilities causing the error messages, among others are that your Sim card is not detected correctly, there is a Mobile Network Error, or even you experience an android system error.

There are several tips you can do to deal with this kind of errors, as follows:

Among the causes mentioned, we would like to give you some tips on how you can fix it on the Samsung Galaxy S6. Please proceed as follows:

  1. Firstly, you have to check whether an error with the SIM card is present. To do so, please use the tool delivered with your Samsung Galaxy S6 to pull out the sim card from the slot. There are many cases when you use a Sim card adapter, and then the SIM card is no longer in the correct position of your slot. Therefore, there is no contact can be displayed in your screen. Please fit the position of your Sim card, and after everything is fine, then please check whether an error is still persistent or not.
  2. Secondly, there are also possibilities that the error is caused by failed wireless network. There may be no network in the place you are standing out, hence you have to shift to the better place accessing the network.
  3. Thirdly, the errors may be caused by failed Android system within your Smartphone. If this is the cause, you can solve it by restarting your Samsung Galaxy S6 or the short activation of the Airplane Mode helps.

These are several tips to deal with the error of Not Registered on Network in your Samsung Galaxy S6. We hope these tips are helpful for you.

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Category: Tips & Tricks